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Autor Tema: SES CDEGS Suite 18.0 full crack download  (Leído 24 veces)
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« : 15 de Febrero de 2025, 15:22 »

SES CDEGS Suite 18.0 full crack download

SES CDEGS Suite 18.0 full crack download
SES CDEGS Suitep cracked version is the leading commercial grounding and electromagnetic analysis software package!

It is designed to provide users with leading functions and powerful technology to easily and accurately complete various electromagnetic problems encountered in the power grid industry, including a powerful calculation engine and rich components and modules, to maximize its automation and effective use of tools,

very user-friendly, but the functions are complete and powerful enough, various advanced solutions can provide adaptive methods for your problems, provide direct solutions to Maxwell’s equations, circuit-based analysis, finite element method, inversion algorithm, fast Fourier transform and transient analysis, hybrid methods, amazing graphics, etc.

SES CDEGS Suite 18.0 x64

CDEGS (Current Distribution, Electromagnetic Fields, Grounding and Soil Structure Analysis) is a powerful set of integrated software tools designed to accurately analyze a variety of electromagnetic related problems encountered in all industries involving electric networks.Complex soil structures such as the multi-region, horizontally layered soil with an arbitrary number of layers and resistivities and single-regions consisting of cylindrical, hemispherical, hemispheroidal, inclined, vertical and horizontal layers. Finally, horizontal multilayer soils that can include embedded finite soil volumes with arbitrary resistivities are available to help you tackle the most challenging project.

The CDEGS software package (Current Distribution, Electromagnetic Fields, Grounding and Soil Structure Analysis) is dedicated to accurately analyze problems involving grounding, electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic interference including AC/DC interference mitigation studies and various aspects of cathodic protection and anode bed analysis with a global perspective. CDEGS software suite of packages consists of eight powerful and accurate computation engines (modules) and several software automation and utility tools that bind the various components together. CDEGS computes conductor currents and electromagnetic fields generated by an arbitrary network of energized conductors anywhere above or below ground for normal, fault, lightning and transient conditions. CDEGS models simple and multi-component conductors, including bare, coated pipes and pipe-enclosed cable systems buried in complex soil structures. CDEGS coupled with toll-free support from the world’s leading R&D design team, provide you with an array of cost-effective learning aids for areas ranging from simple grounding grid design to the behavior of complex networks of aboveground and buried conductors energized by lightning or other transients.
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